Syllable Counter

This syllable counter uses a combination of a 240,364 word U.S. English syllable count dictionary and a syllable counter algorithm. The tool on this page is designed to count how many syllables are in large amounts of text (See our single word dictionary). If a word is not found in our dictionary, the algorithm kicks in.'s algorithm may not be entirely accurate due to the numerous syllabic anomalies found within the U.S. English language. As a result, we list the words with algorithmic syllable counts so you can review them.

Spellcheck BEFORE counting syllables. Paste text below - 5000 character maximum | Results below text box.

  Pre-Count Characters

Results below

Syllable Counter Results

Number of Syllables:  0
Words with syllables counted programmatically:  N/A
Words: 0
(all | no spaces | with spaces):
0  | 0  |  0  (Sequential spaces are not counted)
Lines: 0  (Including empty lines)
Letters (number of each): 0  

Syllable counter dictionary, syllable rules, haiku syllable counter, syllable counter algorithm, syllable counter and divider, and syllable counter and separator.